

OSCE : Tenegliptin : It is a third generation DPP-4 inhibitor used for treatment of type 2 diabetes. MECHANISM OF ACTION of Teneligliptin is to increase incretin levels (GLP-1 and GIP), which inhibit glucagon release, which in turn increases insulin secretion, decreases gastric emptying, and decreases blood glucose levels. In general incretins (glucagon like peptides) are the substances which increase insulin and decrease appetite by decreasing the gastric emptying. DPP4 dipeptidyl peptide-4 is a enzyme which converts this incretins into its metabolites Which is inhibited by teneligliptin and maintain the levels of incretins which cause insulin release and decreasing the blood glucose levels LEARNING POINTS: My learning points about this patient are - The importance taking detailed history from the patient before and after the onset of I'll health and how it affected his daily life routine  -Importance of Mechanism of action of every drug that is prescribed to the patient. -Telling

A 63 yr old male patient with fever and burning micturition

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment. A 63 year old male patient residence of Marripeda bangla came with Chief Complaints :-  Burning micturition and increased frequency of passage of urine since one month. Fever since 1 month Back pain since 15 days Vomiting Since 3 days History of presenting illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic one month back then he developed burning micturition which was insidious in onset, no aggravating and relieving factors   Complaints of increased frequency of urine approximately 20 times a da

Gm e-log

K Mahendra roll no 56 8th Sem   This elog depicts the patient centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients I centered learning portfolio. 55 year old male came to opd with chief complaints of fever and yellowish discoloration of eyes and tongue( jaundice) since 15days      HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago when he developed fever which was insidious in onset, low grade, gradually progressive in nature, associated with chills and rigors. No hlo loose stools, vomitings Pedal edema was noted by patient 2 days ago, pitting type No h/o decreased urine output or burning micturation. H/o cough since 1 day, non productive, dry cough. No hlo chest pain, palpitations and sob H/o yellowish discoloration of eyes and tongue since 15 days No h/o bleeding per rectum, h


 K Mahendra roll no 56 8th Sem  This is an online E Logbook recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. A 32 yr old male came with the complaints of fever since 1 week  HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back and then developed fever which was sudden in onset gradually progressive high grade associated with chills and generalised weakness for which he went to local RMP and took medication for 2 days still the symptoms didnot subside and further investigation like blood test done and his blood sugars were 300mg/dl  As the symptoms didnot subside they went to Miryalguda hospital there USG was done and impression showed HEPATIC ABSCESS  and refered to our hospital  Patient came to hospital yesterday and USG was done impression showing:  NO H/o vomitings  No h/o cough cold diarrhoea  Past history:  K/c/o DM type 2 since 2 months and was on metformin hydrochloride N/kc/o HTN